Your shoulder is a complicated joint and one that is used constantly throughout your everyday life. Because it is one of the most important joints in your everyday life, it is also one of the most common areas of the body to experience pain. And because you use it so frequently, the shoulders are one of the areas of the body that are most prone to having injuries progressing into chronic pain concerns. If you are suffering from shoulder pain, even just occasionally, it is important to stop in to avoid future chronic pain!
Because the shoulder is a complicated joint, you will want a doctor who is trained to look for multiple potential causes of your pain and is focused on addressing those underlying causes. Traditional medical doctors usually only look at the symptoms and will send you home with medications to treat the symptoms rather than addressing the underlying condition. To make matters worse, prescription pain medications are dangerous and become less effective at reducing pain as time progresses.
Make sure to schedule a free consultation if:
● You have shoulder pain persisting beyond a few days or reoccurring frequently (even if it seems to "fix itself").
● You are unable to carry objects or use the arm.
● You get shoulder pain during the night or while resting.
● You suffer an injury that caused deformity of the joint, swelling or bruising.
● You have an inability to raise your arm.
Because each type of shoulder injury has its own treatment, it is important for our office to correctly diagnose how you injured your shoulder or what may be causing your pain. Common causes include: